Miu Miu is one of those brands that don’t really come up to your mind when you think of handbags. Unlike other big brands like Chanel, Valentino and Gucci that are nailing it in the handbag department, Miu Miu is more of an underdog. Actually, whenever I think or hear of Miu Miu, the brand’s clothes or handbags don’t even come near crossing my mind. As a matter of fact, the only accessory I can think of is their sunglasses range! And that’s a pity, as Miu Miu offers not only awesome clothes but also incredibly beautiful handbags. However, the crystal-embellished beauties can be quite pricey. With a price of $2000 per piece for most bags, they really don’t scream affordable. So, I checked out if I could find some Miu Miu dupes out there that almost everyone would be able to afford without sacrificing two months’ worth of their salary.

Ahead, the best genuine leather Miu Miu handbag dupes!
The Best Genuine Leather Miu Miu Handbag Dupes

Black Miu Miu Crystal-Embellished Bag ($2,200) | Miu Miu Handbag Dupe

Miu Miu Pink Crystal-Embellished Bag ($1,400) | Miu Miu Handbag Dupes HERE

White Miu Miu Crystal-Embellished Bag ($1,400) | Miu Miu Handbag Dupe HERE

Miu Miu Black Leather Crystal-Embellished Bag ($2,850) | Miu Miu Handbag Dupes HERE

Pink Miu Miu Leather Crystal-Embellished Bag ($2,850) | Miu Miu Handbag Dupe

More Leather Miu Miu Handbag Dupes HERE

Velvet-Finish Miu Miu Handbag Dupes HERE
The History Behind Miu Miu
As most of you probably know, Miu Miu is an Italian high fashion women’s clothing and accessory brand. However, what some of you (including myself, until recently!) might not be aware of is that the Italian brand is a fully owned subsidiary of Prada! In fact, Miu Miu was established by Miuccia Prada in 1993 and is currently headed by her. Interestingly, the name was conceived from Miuccia Prada’s family nickname. She saw the launch of her Miu Miu brand as an opportunity to explore new territory. Unlike her minimalist designs at Prada, she delivers more extreme and playful looks at Miu Miu.
In 1995 at NYFW the label showed its first collection with Kate Moss, who was selected to star in the show. This instantly created that much-need buzz for the brand. Since then, it was pretty much onwards and upwards for Miuccia! Following that success, Miu Miu has become a favorite of street style mavens. Even celebrities have shown their love for the brand. Madonna made a big splash during her 2004 musical tour. She wore Miu Miu’s black leather and gold buckled boots (created exclusively for her) on stage.
In 2010, Miu Miu showcased a collection that sported Lolita dresses, animal prints, and reoccurring nude loungewear looks. With its feminine and often rebellious designs, Miu Miu attracts both young and the young at heart. A number of celebrities have been featured in Miu Miu campaigns, starting with Drew Barrymore in 1995. Followed by Chloë Sevigny, Madonna, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Evan Rachel Wood.
Sadly, it wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows for the brand. In 2013, a counter-report of Prada in violating women’s rights was filed to the Office of the United Nations. There was also a statement that year, released by the UN, against workplace sexual harassment and gender discrimination. Furthermore, in April 2013, an American Change.org petition against Miuccia Prada collected over 200K signatures. This petition was in response to Miuccia Prada countersuing a victim for voicing her opinion against sexual harassment. Unsurprisingly, this petition damaged the brand’s image. Consequently, Vogue launched a news article, named ‘Prada Vs The UN’. The article had a comment: “Anyone who buys from the Prada and Miu Miu brands are supporting a culture of discrimination and power harassment.”
The Miu Miu Handbag Range
On a brighter note, Miu Miu handbags are still very trendy with some pieces getting the ‘it’ and ‘timeless’ bag tags. For instance, the Miu Miu Club Bag is quite popular. Unsurprisingly, as its name suggests, it’s perfect for a night out. This particular Miu Miu handbag is available in either Matelassé leather or shiny calf leather. Best of all, you can get it in neutral, bright and metallic colours. The bag also features a long chain strap and another chain hanging at the front.
Another Miu Miu bag that will stand the test of time is the Miu Miu Madras. This goat leather bag might look simple, but it is perfect both for work and when you’re out and about. Moreover, its classic shape and style mean it will go with any outfit. Thus, you won’t have to worry about its versatility. This handbag features a top handle, a detachable and adjustable shoulder strap, a fold-over top with magnetic closure, gold-tone hardware and a multi-coloured bejewelled buckle on the front. While this Miu Miu accessory piece will set you back around $1,400, you can always get yourself a Miu Miu handbag dupe!
In its SS19 Collection, Miu Miu showcased a lot of velvet additions to the handbag family. There are some mini-bags, featuring a fold-over top with magnetic closure, an embossed logo and a gold-tone chain shoulder strap. You can choose from a variety of colours. There are some very bright ones, such as fuchsia pink and mustard yellow. I’ve also managed to find some velvet Miu Miu handbag dupes for the leather Madras bags!
What do you think of Miu Miu handbags?
Would you consider buying any of the above Miu Miu handbag dupes?
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